Are Cellphones Bad For Your Health?

Brain Cancer Stages :

When the time hit year 2000, there is an estimated 200 million people who used cellular phones worldwide. That is a big whole that is keeps getting higher by each month. Determined as a necessity now a days and with new innovations and designs of cellular phones today, you are hard pressed not to buy one. But is there no ifs ands or buts a health risks when using cell phones?

Cellular phones or abbreviated as cellphones emits radio frequency radiation which is said to be risky to humans health. Although there is no scientific study that proves it can cause health hazards, many people believed that it contributes extremely in brain connected diseases like early memory loss and brain cancer tumors. The fancy behind it was the placement where we use cellphones which is behind the ears that is obviously near the head.

Brain Cancer Stages

Cellphones control with radio frequency, a considerable form of electromagnetic power placed on the electromagnetic spectrum in the middle of Fm radio waves and the waves used in microwave ovens, radars and satellites. The quiz, still lingers, is that frequency risky to human health?

Brain Cancer Stages :Are Cellphones Bad For Your Health?

A miniature explanation about the effects of radio frequency radiation have been released to the group which depends on the person's length of exposure to the said radiation. Factors include the length from the base station, the age of the phone used and the duration and frequency of cellphone use.

Federal Communications Commission or Fcc have set the thorough limit for human exposure to Rf radiations. But this thorough is generally ignored by many as cellular phones play foremost role in today's way of life. health experts still claim that radio frequencies can cause brain tumors or supports its amelioration even at low level radiation.

The study any way is in its premature stage as cellular phones have just been widely used for only a decade. It cannot fancy or prove that it no ifs ands or buts can cause cancers or other illnesses because long term studies cannot be accomplish at this time. The best way to avoid this so called effects is to limit our exposure to cellphone use. Below are my suggestions you should do to minimize your exposure to radiation.

• Turn off cellphones when sleeping
• Place your cellphone 3 meters away from your bed while sleep time.
• If your battery is near empty, do not respond or use it for calling because this where the radiation is very high. Payment your phone first.
• Use ear phones while a call, this is to preclude further damage to your ear and thinking capacity.
• Use non-analog cellphones as they emit less radiation than analog phones.

Cellular phones are yet to be proven as the main cause of cancers particularly brain cancer. But if we expose ourselves less with these toys, you be sure the we can get less effects from its radiation. Use cellphones wisely and live life healthy.

Brain Cancer Stages :Are Cellphones Bad For Your Health?


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